Social Insertion

The social inclusion of PPGE in the educational field is made evident through the articulation between teaching, research, extension activities (in the field) and university management. The projects coordinated and carried out by the teaching staff integrate this articulation, because through them, the actions of coordinators in conjunction with their groups of students and collaborators, unfold. Over the period of the quadrennium the number of projects altered, or because some of them were finalized or because new outcomes developed. What follows is a general framework for ongoing projects on a yearly basis:

Number of projects in 2013: Extension 9, research 55, inter-institutional, 14.

Number of projects in 2014: Extension 13, research 55, inter-institutional, 13.

Number of projects in 2015: Extension 13, research 58, inter-institutional, 13.

Number of projects in 2016: Extension 15, research 62, inter-institutional, 15.

These projects present a capillarity that extends from the policies to the floor of the school and vice-versa. Thus, to possess such comprehensiveness and breadth, social insertion was organized in three categories: i) Archives and memory; ii) Improvement of the quality of public schooling; iii) prizes; iv) political and administrative inclusion.

• Archives and memory – social insertion - historical, political and cultural: Four projects in progress are relevant in the area of collections, documentation and memory. They are projects that preserve archives, which are consequently made available for research and the production of new forms of knowledge.

• PROEDES – Program of Studies and Documentation, Education and Society

This is a program of the Faculty of Education in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro that aims for research and the preservation of documental sources. It brings together more than two hundred thousand textual, visual and iconographic documents regarding educational and scientific institutions and their actors, as well as specific themes, proposals and teaching reforms. It is organized according to the following categories: institutional archives, educators’ archives, thematic collections and institutional collections. Located in the classroom 102 and 103 in the Annex of the Faculty of Education, researchers from all parts of Brazil come to consult it’s unusual collection.

Coordination: Sonia Maria N. de Castro Lopes

• Project: Memories of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

This project aims to revive, register and disseminate memories of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro through the inventory, organization and production of written documental sources, oral and imagetic. It thereby will contribute towards making resources for studies and research about this University available to the general public. This project will foster a greater comprehension of the limits and possibilities for education offered by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro with respect to the identity of professors trained in this institution. It is noteworthy that this institution possesses sliding shelves for the safekeeping of the archives.

Coordination: Ana Maria Monteiro

• Project Memories of Teaching Science in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro: revitalizing the historical collection of the Biology Foundation Project

This project establishes a connection between activities that are already being developed within the Project “Biological Fundão” – a project that involves fieldwork activities based in the Institute of Biology, in partnership with teachers from the School of Application of the Faculty of Education, of the School Pedro II and of the public networks on the municipal and state levels in Rio de Janeiro -, and the research project “Curriculum of the Sciences: Innovative initiatives from the decades of 1950/60/70”, developed in the Nucleus of Studies of Curriculum within the Faculty of Education. It aims to recuperate the memory of teaching in the field of the Sciences within the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro through a social-historical reconstruction of it’s intervention in the initial and continuing educational process and, principally, the recuperation of it’s documental collection and it’s_ creation of didactic material. For this purpose, this project includes activities aimed at the preservation, revitalization and loaning of the whole collection to professionals interested as much in the teaching of Sciences and Biology as in the memory of the scientific culture in our country. In this first stage, we will be cataloging and organizing an inventory of written material – that will testify to and preserve the memory of teaching in the Sciences and Biology in our University and in the State- so as to, in the second stage, organize activities and didactic materials that disseminate the collection of the Project “Biological Fundão ” as well as our new publications about teaching practices.

Situation: In progress

Nature of the project: Extension

Coordination: Marcia Serra Ferreira

4- Platform Latitude - The digital platform Latitude is the result of an initiative of the Institute Desiderata in partnership with the group of researchers that are members of the Observatory Education and the City. It gives continuity to the System of Territorialized Indicators that was released in 2011. With the goal of enhancing the use of this instrument in information management about official educational indicators from the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, this educational platform of geo-referenced data em latitude was created.

Coordination: Marcio da Costa

• Improvement in the quality of public education – Strategies of educational inclusion

The improvement in the quality of public education with visible effects on the teaching and learning experiences of the student depends on many factors and demands reflections and networking efforts capable of causing displacements and provoking important changes. The projects developed by PPGE, with their variety of inqueries and with such theoretical-methodological breadth, have gained major visibility and have increased their transformative potential. The lines of work continue to intensify and deepen their effects, in addition to maximizing the potential of the groups. The possibilities of social inclusion become evident when we add up the diverse actions that are developed. Their scope and inclusiveness surpasses the quantity of projects that are developed. They are projects and actions related to the education of professors, in different areas: literacy, literature and school; cinema and education; education and sustainability, among others. Bearing in mind that by itself the PNAIC in the state of Rio de Janeiro was able to involve 14.000 professors, the CESPEB was able to include around 377 students only in the last group that began in 2012 and the Reading Room attends to 2000 people who circulate within the Faculty of Education, it is not surprising that the other courses added up come to approximately 1000 students/professors of Basic Education, without considering the lectures that are carried out in different events. The level of social inclusion of the two dozen projects that analyze and evaluate educational public policies are hard to estimate numerically. However, these projects bring to the forefront the contextualization of the conditions in which the teachers’ work is carried out, being fundamental for sustaining teaching practices. The social inclusion of PPGE when it comes to basic education will be more detailed in the next item of this report, which addresses specifically the connection with this educational level.

• Prize – Academic inclusion

In 2013, the Professor Ana Ivenicke (ex Ana Canen) was awarded the “Prize Cora Coralina”, by the National Association of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Education/ ANPEd and the Secretary of Continued Education, Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion / SECADI. The prize was conferred to Ana Ivenicke in the 36a. Annual Meeting of ANPEd / 2013, Guiânia, for her relevant contribution to Education with Social Inclusion.

In 2015 in the 37a. National Meeting of ANPEd, the PRODES was granted the special tribute “Paulo Freire” for it’s important work in conservation, organization and accessibility of documents in the educational field.

In 28/08/2014 – The professor Robert Leher received, from the hands of the city councilman Renato Cinco the diploma and medal Pedro Ernesto in a ceremony that took place in Saião Pedro Calmon, on the campus of Red Beach. It is considered to be the highest honor that can be offered by the House of Representatives of the city of Rio de Janeiro. This homage was approved in the Parlament on the 6th of May of 2014 and represented an act of recognition of the Professor for his engagement in struggles devoted to popular causes.

In 2013 the Professor Antônio Flávio Moreira received the title of Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Education of UFRJ; in 2014 the Professor Luiz Antônio Cunha also became Professor Emeritus; and in 2016, Professor Alda Judith Alvez-Mazzotti was chosen as Professor Emeritus. The two male professors are active in the institutional development of PPGE, offering courses and advising master’s and doctoral students. The Professor Aida has collaborated with innumerous boards for public contests and functional progression, as well as being engaged in lectures and other academic activities.

• Political-administrative Insertion

Beyond the teaching, research and extension activities developed in projects and groups, the teaching staff of PPGE holds relevant positions in diverse institutional spaces. We emphasize here the participation of professor titular Luiz Antônio Cunha as a member of the Câmara of Superior Education of the National Council for Education (from May 2010 to October 2011), of tenured professor Roberto Leher who, from 2002 to 2012, coordinated the Brazilian section of the Social Observatory Latin- Brazil of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), and of the tenured professor Carmen Teresa Gabriel, member of the Directory of ANPEd from 2011 to 2013. In 2014, the Professor Patrícia Corsino began to coordinate the Forum of Coordinators of Post-graduate Programs from the Southeastern Region - Forpred-Southeast.

Another type of activity that occurs outside of this program, although directly related to it, and that reflects as much the insertion of the teaching staff in the academic community, as the major visibility of PPGE consists in the participation in Boards for Public contests for assistant teachers in different IES of the country.

Likewise, the teaching staff of PPGE take on administrative positions in UFRJ that are fundamental to the functioning of the University, occupying positions in different forums of discussion, where the undergraduate and graduate projects and policies are being discussed and debated. During the last years, some of the teaching staff of PPGE took on more than one of these positions and/or functions. We highlight here: Professor Dra Ana Maria Monteiro – Director of the Faculty of Education (who took on the function of Director for the term of 2012-2015); Professor Dra Monique Andries Nogueira (vice-president of the Faculty of Education, 2012-2014); Professor Dra, Daniela Patti do Amaral (vice-president of the Faculty of Education, 2014-2015); Professor Márcia Serra Ferreira – Academic Superintendent of Graduate Studies (mandate 2011-2015); representative of CFCH no CEG; President of the Council of Teaching Licensing; Professor Mônica Pereira dos Santos - representative of the Assistant professors of CFCH in CONSUNI. (Mandate 2009-2012); Tenured Professor Carmen Teresa Gabriel – member of Colenda Congregation of the Faculty of Education, da Faculdade de Educação, reappointed to the position of Coordenator of the Graduate Program in Education (2011- 2013); Professors Ana Maria Monteiro and Carmen Teresa Gabriel – Coordenators of the Specialization Course Knowledge and Practices in Basic Education (CESPEB), Prof. Dr. Antônio Jorge Gonçalves Soares - Representative of CEPG- 2012-2014) and coordinator of PIBIC in UFRJ (2014), Prof Mariane Koslinski –Representative of Assistant professors of CFCH in CEPG (2015-2017), Prof Patrícia Corsino representative of assistant prfessors in the Colenda Congregation and representative of EDD in the StructuralTeaching Nucleus – NDE- of Pedagogy and alos the Coordinator of the Course of Specialization in Teaching in Children’s Education and, together with Ludmila T. de Andrade of the coordination of CESPEB- Literacy, Reading and Writing.

In 2016 we had other representatives in the University Councils:

Professora Vânia Motta Substitute Council Member. Elected 2016.1. Mandate 01/04/2016 to 31/01/2018, Secretary of the Council of Coordination of CFCH; Prof Rodrigo Rosistolato, Council member of CEG (Council of Undergraduate Teaching), since 2016; Professor José Claudio Sooma-Vice-Chefe from the Department of Fundamentals of Education in the Faculty of Education of the UFRJ; Professor Maria Margarida GOMES: NDE – Teaching Nucleus that is structural to the Licensing Course in Biological Sciences of UFRJ since 2014; CPL – Permanet Commision of Teaching Licensing of the UFRJ since 2015; Substitute of the Commision of Basic Education of CFCH/UFRJ since 2016.

It is worthy of note that since 2015 the professor Roberto Leher, for his political representation and active involvement in the área of Superior Education, was elected dean of UFRJ. In this position he has also given visibility to UFRJ and to PPGE particularly due to his participation in different representative instances of Superior Education in Brazil.

© Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
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