The strong integration between graduate and undergraduate activities in the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro is clearly reflected in the organization of the physical space. Currently, the projects organized around four lines of research in the PPGE are carried out in sixteen laboratories of research that, in turn, aggregate, beyond faculty members and students from the Program, faculty from the courses of Pedagogy, persons with teaching licenses from the Faculty of Education, faculty members from other institutions, professors and coordinators of Basic Education, undergraduate students who are scholarship holders of PIBIC, PIBEX, PIBIAC, and volunteers who are engaged in activities of teaching, research and extension.
These laboratories occupy rooms that are well-equipped with annotated bibliography collections, a documental collection and a significant bibliography for the development of research activities directly related to PPGE (curriculum activity of “Research practices” of Masters and Doctoral Programs, meetings of the group of investigations coordinated by the faculty members of the Program, guided supervision of dissertations and theses), as well as the development of internal activities that are specific to each one of the laboratories. These laboratories, by means of projects to which the faculty are linked, are financed by agencies that support research and receive consumption material and support for the maintenance of equipment. It is important also to highlight that some research projects or study groups that are developed within the scope of these laboratories bring together faculty members of one or more lines of research of PPPGE, thereby favoring dialogue between projects. This because, even though they are from distinct lines of research, they have points of convergence that justify this type of dialogue.
GPEE- Group of Research about Ethics in Education
Location: Classroom A-110 – Annex FE
Description: The Group of Research about Ethics in Education (GPEE) was founded in 2003 by faculty researchers of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and it is registered in the Directory for Research Groups of CNPq. The investigative works of GPEE are developed through differentiated theoretical-methodological approaches, with the goal of joining forces and not dividing efforts so as to offer alternatives to the ethnical challenges of the present time. Within this perspective, three great benchmarks define the research: Ethics and Argumentation; moral Education in the school setting; the relationship of the learning process of ethical and moral education with the teaching of the arts.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of the team: Renato José de Oliveira (coord.) / Maria Judith Sucupira da Costa Lins
GESED- Group of Studies of Educational Systems
Location: Classroon A-107 – Annex FE
Description: The Group brings together study activities and research initiatives that seek to understand aspects of the education and transformation of Brazilian educational systems; register and evaluate innovative educational policies; and analyze experiences and scholarly practices, searching for the elaboration of concepts and models that contribute to the advancement of knowledge production in the area, through a predominantly sociological approach. The studies and research initiatives of this Group are dedicated to systems of Basic Education and of Technical-Professional Education.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of the team: Ana Maria Cavaliere / Antônio Jorge Soares / Luiz Antônio Cunha / Marcio da Costa / Mariane Koslinski/ Daniela Patti do Amaral (coord.), Rodrigo Rosistolato/ Rosana Heringer/ Ana Pires Prado.
Site is currently being constructed
LEDUC – Laboratory of studies in Language, Reading, Writing and Education
Location: Classroom A-109, Annex FE
Description: The objectives of LEDUC are: to develop activities involving studies, teaching and field-based work in the areas of language, reading and writing in education; carry out research projects that aim to understand the conceptions, practices and appropriations of different languages, with emphasis on written language, by children, youth and adults, as well as the teaching staff in educational institutions; propose teaching and field-based activities that focus on the training of professors and the improvement of teaching in the area of language and development of discourse.
Teaching staff that make up this team: Ludmila Thomé de Andrade / Patricia Corsino (coordinators)
Site is currently being constructed
LaPEADE- Laboratory in Research, Studies and Support of the Participation and the Diversity in Education
Location: Classroom A-106 – Annex FE
Description: The LaPEADE has the objective of supporting and promoting the participation and the diversity in education in the cultural and political dimensions of the social institutions. It also seeks to contribute to the development and dissemination of scientific-academic knowledge in respect to inclusion in educational processes.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of the team: Mônica Pereira dos Santos (coord.) / Celeste Azulay Kelman / José Jairo Vieira / Maria Vitória Campos Mamede Maia
LIEAS – Laboratory of Investigation in Education, Environment and Society
Location: Classroom A-110 – Annex FE
Description: The Laboratory of Investigation in Education, Environment and Society (LIEAS-FE/UFRJ) is an intra and inter-institutional space for research projects and studies, created in 2004, that has the following objectives: Knowledge production about the relationship between education, environment and society; Networking with other institutional groups to promote academic debate and intervention in public policies relative to environmental education; Promotion of partnerships with public organizations and teaching institutions to advance projects, research projects and courses; Publication of articles, books and other types of material that favor the sharing of produced knowledge. Institutions and facilities that are involved: PPGE/UFRJ, IB/UFRJ, Eicos/UFRJ, PPGE/UFF, FE/UFF, UFRRJ, Museu da Vida/Fiocruz, Jardim Botânico, Colégio Pedro II, IBAMA, ICMBio, SEA/RJ, UnB.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of the team: Carlos Frederico Bernardo Loureiro (coord.) / Roberto Leher.
LISE – Laboratory of Social Imaginary and Education
Location: Classroom A-106 – Annex FE
Description: Created in 1989 in the Faculty of Education, the LISE is a space designed for the realization of research projects, studies and seminars about the relationship between Education and the Imaginary, in their multiple possibilities of connection and interlinking. It is made up of doctoral professors from the Faculty of Education, as well as other units of UFRJ. It relies on the collaboration of doctoral professors from other universities, in a partnership that aims to enhance collaboration between researchers from this area of research. In this laboratory, undergraduate students, as well as master’s and doctoral students participate.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of the team: Adriana Fresquet.
NEC- Nucleus of Studies of Curriculum
Location: Classroom A-111 Annex FE
Description: Created in 1992 within the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, this group carries out studies in Sociology and History of Curriculum-building, focusing as much on the training of professors as on curriculum policies and processes of establishment of scholarly knowledge, particularly in the fields of Sciences and History. Given that it is made up of faculty members that participate in the Graduate Program in Education, the conclusions have been shared in scientific publications and the work produced by it’s members have been presented in national and international congresses. The work of this particular group has also contributed to the training of new researches and the elaboration of monographs, dissertations and theses. As part of the activities that involve the sharing of knowledge produced, this group has carried out exchanges with researchers, Brazilian and foreigners, with work that is especially significant in the area of Curriculum. Beyond that, this group is actively involved in teaching and field work activities that extend beyond the academic setting, through the organization of events, the coordination of projects, and the preservation of archives. In addition, consultation work is an important component of this group’s functions, especially in matters concerning the continued training of professors and the elaboration of curriculum materials.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of the team: Marcia Serra Ferreira (coord.) / Carmen Teresa Gabriel / Ana Maria Monteiro / Rosanne Evangelista Dias / Maria Margarida Gomes
Site being constructed.
PROEDES – Program of Studies of Documentation, Education and Society
Location: Classroom A-104 – Annex FE
Description: The program of Studies of Documentation, Education and Society (PROEDES) initially was structured around the research carried out by researchers and scholarship students linked to the Faculty of Education, in conjunction with the archive of the National Faculty of Philosophy. The PROEDES has been engaged in the development of studies and research projects, as well as the examination and organization of documental sources, thereby becoming a “Center of Documentation” interested in discussing the memory and the history of Brazilian Education. As a Program, it has the following goals: a) Carry out studies and research projects that refer to the phenomenon of education, addressing the diverse modalities of institutions and educational forms of knowledge, their practices and subjects; b) Contribute to the training of researchers; c) Become a Center of Documentation in Brazilian Education.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of the team: Sonia Lopes (coord.) / Ana Canen / Irma Rizzini / José Claudio Sooma / Libania Xavier / Miriam Chaves
LEPED- Laboratory of Studies and Research Projects in Teaching Practices and Education of Professors (LEPED) was founded in 2009 by female professors of the Faculty of Education of UFRJ, motivated by the public notice No. 04/2009, that supports teaching and research institutions situated in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The purpose of LEPED is stimulate studies and research projects about forms of knowledge and teaching practices in the locus of action of the professors. It aims to contribute to knowledge production about teaching and learning processes, in situated contexts that are historically and socially determined. The LEPED encompasses, up until the present moment, four research groups, coordinated by the female professors who founded the LEPED and who act generally in teaching and didactic experiences. The groups are composed of graduate students and university graduates with a teaching license from different courses offered by UFRJ and other institutions for higher learning in the state of Rio de Janeiro, professors of Basic Education and other interested researchers. Among the Research Groups that comprise the LEPED up to the present moment, is the GECULT- Group of Studies and Research about Education, Culture and Art, coordinated by Professor Monique Andries Nogueira.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of this research team: Monique Andries Nogueira (coord. geral), Gisele Barreto da Cruz
LabES – Laboratory of Teaching in the Sociology Florestan Fernandes
Location: Classroom 230 – Faculty of Education
The Laboratory of Teaching in the Sociology Florestan Fernandes is a space for professors, students with teaching licenses, and researchers to have access to all the available material about teaching Sociology in Basic Education. Laws and regulations, articles, theses, dissertations, didactic materials, programmatic content and pedagogical experiences are available. LabES has come to represent an important tool for all those who are interested in the history, teaching and training of Sociology professors.
The Laboratory of Teaching in the Sociology Florestan Fernandes inserts itself in the scope of activities developed in didactic experiences and teaching practices of social sciences. It represents a space for exchange between professors, students with teaching licenses and researchers. It contains a bibliographical collection about the teaching of Sociology in Basic Education, such as: laws and regulations, articles, theses, dissertations, didactic materials, programmatic content, pedagogic experiences. In the present moment, the LabES has been especially dedicated to activities linked to research about the teaching of Sociology and activities of extension and field-work that involve professors of Sociology from public schools.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of the team: Anita Handfas
LAPEC – Laboratory in Research of Education of the Body
Location: Classroom 224 – Faculty of Education
Registered in the CNPq
The Laboratory of Research in Education of the Body (LABEC) is designed to study policies, programs and educational actions involving the body and it’s forms of expression in different social institutions. The focus of investigation and education are the techniques of bodily, artistic and sportive expression that impact the creation of social networks, the access to programs for high-risk groups, the professionalization for the entertainment market (sports and arts), the construction of identities in educational (formal and informal) qualification. We consider the area of history and applied sociology as theoretical input on such issues.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of this research team: Dr. Antônio Jorge Gonçalves Soares (Coord), Dr. Victor Andrade de Melo
Sport: Laboratory of History of Sports and Leisure
Location: Classroom 315 – Institute of History
Registered in CNPq
“Sport” intends to be a nucleus of excellence that has as it’s center historical studies focuesd on institutionalized bodily practices. It’s members are professors and undergraduate and graduate students from various areas of knowledge of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and other higher-level institutions. Their members are professors and undergraduate and graduate students, from various areas of knowledge, of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and other institutions of higher education. Their activities aim to coordinate research (in all of it’s dimensions), teaching activities (undergraduate and graduate) and activities outside of the academic setting (involving events, courses and festivals of a diverse nature).
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of this research team: Dr. Victor Andrade de Melo (Coord) - Site:
COLEMARX – Collective of studies in Education and Marxism
Location: Classroom A-110 – Annex FE
Registered in CNPq
The Collective of Studies in Education and Marxism COLEMARX results from a joint effort of students and professors of FE/UFRJ and of PPGE, directly linked to the Laboratory of Research in Education, Environment and Society (LIEAS) and to the professors Roberto Leher and Carlos Frederico Bernardo Loureiro. Externally, it incorporates participants of other areas of knowledge and Graduate Programs. The Collective brings together studies and research that strive for analyses of social issues in Brazil and in the rest of the Latin-American countries, particularizing the education. It has as a reference the contribution of the social critical theory to capitalism, initiated by Marx and Engels and tread by other Marxist intellectuals, among them Antônio Gramsci, Octávio Ianni and Florestan Fernandes. The COLEMARX carries out weekly encounters alternating moments of more dense in-depth studies, related to reflection about the systematic assessment of theory and of method, and more specific encounters in which the objects of study of the members are debated. For this last dynamic, the collective organized itself within the following thematic axes: 1) education – social issues (public – private spheres); 2) Training and faculty work; 3) social movements; 4) The financing of education.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of this research team: Dr. Roberto Leher ( Coord); Dr.ª Vânia Cardoso da Motta / Paolo Vittoria
LaPOpE – Laboratory of Research in Educational Opportunities
Location: Classroon A- 105 – Annex FE
The LaPOpE has dedicated itself to the investigation of the classic problem of distribution of educational opportunities in all levels of schooling. It is understood that this problem is intimately associated with social stratification and the diverse forms of segmentation observed in contemporary societies. With approaches that are typical of the social sciences, it analyzes socioeconomic, cultural, demographic, racial and spacial aspects of educational inequality. It’s research initiatives are the product of the collective activity of it’s members, in their search for theoretical and methodological resources that establish dialogues with the national and international literature. The LaPOpE adopts procedures for research that encompass the treatment and analysis of data on a large scale, production of primary data through surveys, interviews, focal groups, observation, georeferencing, socio-spacial and documental analysis, as well as other qualitative and quantitative modalities of research.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of this research team: Marcio da costa (coord); Dra. Mariane Koslinski (PPGE); Rodrigo Rosistolato; Rosana Heringer.
LECAV – Laboratory of Education, cinema and audiovisual resources
Location: Classroom 219- Faculty of Education
The LECAV coordinates research, teaching and field work practices related to cinema and education. It develops the Program CINEAD- Cinema to learn and unlearn – with projects, courses and seminars in partnership with Universities, Schools of Basic Education, as well as the cinema of the Museum of Modern Art, the University Hospital, the institutions of protection for the elderly, among others. It has a collection of films that are shared with the academic community, and whenever possible, contribute towards the audiovisual record of events carried out by the Faculty of Education.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of this research team: Adriana Mabel Fresquet
LEPEH – Laboratory of studies and research in History teaching
Location: Classroom A- 111 – Annex FE
The LEPEH represents a intra and inter-institutional space with actions dedicated towards the area of Teaching in History. Founded in 2012, it’s activities are focused on academic actions and policies that enable reflections and production of knowledge about the historiographic scholarly discourse in different curricular contexts. It aims to consider the specificities and complexities of distinct forms of knowledge and practices in the teaching process of this particular discipline: History.
Faculty members of PPGE that are part of this research team: Ana Maria da Costa Monteiro ( coordenadora) e Carmen Teresa Gabriel, Amilcar Araújo Pereira. Giovana Xavier.