The Post-Graduate program in Education of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGE) aims principally to contribute towards knowledge production in the field of education, training masters and doctoral students to act in activities involving research and teaching practices. It participates in the development of scientific research in this field, exploring the association between the development of theoretical lines of thinking and the issues that emerge from the daily school routine, with the aim of achieving democratic enhancement of the institutions, the policies and educational practices.
The PPGE in 2016 oriented it’s investigation around four great components expressed in the organization of four lines of research, each of which has the following specific objectives:
The line of research: “Curriculum, Teaching and Language” gathers studies that explore, in varied theoretical perspectives, the interaction between education, culture, ideology, power and language. All of these investigations address: the history of curriculums and academic and scholarly disciplines; the processes of production and social distribution of knowledge in various disciplinary areas; the policies of curriculum; student and faculty training in distinct contexts; the identity of professors in the educational processes; teaching practices, creation of curriculum, teachers’ work and knowledge production; language in it’s various forms of expression, which includes visual arts, cinema, music, dance, theater and literature; conceptions and practices of literacy, reading and writing.
In 2016, this line of research was coordinated by Maria Margarida Pereira de Lima Gomes and had the following 15 teachers as part of it’s faculty staff: 1. Adriana Mabel Fresquet; 2. Amilcar Araújo Pereira; 3. Ana Maria Ferreira da Costa Monteiro; 4. Anita Handfas ( colaboradora); 5.Carmen Teresa Gabriel Le Ravallec; 6. Giseli Barreto da Cruz; 7. Ludmila Thomé de Andrade; 8. Marcia Serra Ferreira; 9. Marcos Antônio Carneiro da Silva; 10. Maria Margarida Pereira de Lima Gomes; 11.Monique Andries Nogueira; 12. Paolo Vittoria ; 13. Patrícia Corsino; 14. Teresa Paula Nico Rego Gonçalves; 15. Antônio Flávio Barbosa Moreira (Emeritus Professor and Associate)
The line of research: “Policies and Educational Institutions” gathers research about public policies in education as well as the organization of educational institutions in different educational contexts. As a whole, it prioritizes socio-historical processes of formulation and implementation of educational policies, particularly those that contain aspects that link social and educational inequality, such as hierarquisation, stratification, segregation, reproduction, exclusion and dominance, enabled by the structures that are made manifest in the realm of educational policies.
In 2016, this line was coordinated by the Professor Mariane Campelo Koslinski and was made up of the following teaching staff members: 1. Ana Maria Villela Cavaliere; 2. Antônio Jorge Gonçalves Soares; 3. Carlos Frederico Bernardo Loureiro; 4. Daniela Patti do Amaral; 5. José Jairo Vieira; 6. Luiz Antônio Constant Rodrigues da Cunha; 7. Marcio da Costa; 8. Mariane Campelo Koslinski; 9.Roberto Leher; 10. Rodrigo Rosistolato; 11. Rosana Rodrigues Heringer; 12. Vânia Cardoso da Motta.
The line of research entitled “History, Subjects and Educational Processes” focuses on the study of movements and educational processes that are mobilized in historically situated periods of time and spaces. It also involves the analysis of the intervention of subjects and groups that are organized around specific educational projects; the cultural practices and the social representations that make up education in it’s material and symbolic dimensions.
In 2016, this line of research was coordinated by the Professor Irma Rizzini and was composed of the following teaching staff: 1. Irma Rizzini; 2. José Claudio Sooma Silva; 3. Libânia Nacif Xavier; 4. Miriam Waidenfeld Chaves; 5. Sonia Maria de Castro Nogueira Lopes; 6. Victor Andrade de Melo.
The line of research entituled “Inclusion, Ethics and Interculturality” has as it’s central focus the comprehension of education in conjunction with references that encompass inclusion, ethics, interculturality and creativity. This line of research considers it’s socio-political, psychological and cultural contributions to the teaching-learning processes and the educational experience. The studies contemplated by this line of research are concerned primarily with the analysis and production of knowledge on micro, meso and macro levels, linked to categories such as: power; corporeality; descolonization; differences; diversity; equality/inequality; educational, psico-pedagogical, social and discursive practices; social justice; citizenship; ethic, aesthetic and moral principles. All of these themes are investigated within the context of educational processes developed within and outside of the formal school, family settings and informal educational spaces.
In 2016, this line of research was coordinated by Professor Mônica Pereira dos Santos and was composed by the following faculty members: 1.Ana Ivenicki (ex-Canen); 2. Celeste Azulay Kelman; 3. Maria Judith Sucupira da Costa Lins; 4. Maria Vitória Mamede Maia; 5. Mônica Pereira dos Santos; 6. Renato José de Oliveira.